
The precision
of bar turning
PERRENOUD, precise and perfectly finished parts
We have made precision turning our speciality. We shape raw materials such as stainless steel, gold, steel, titanium, aluminium or brass to create parts that are incorporated into finished products for the luxury and technology markets. This use imposes on PERRENOUD a requirement of manufacturing quality, and a respect of sometimes very short deadlines.
In bar turning, the smallest parts that come out of our numerically controlled machining centres have a minimum diameter of 0.2 millimetres (the input diameter is 1 mm). These parts can be threaded up to a diameter of 0.40 mm.

At PERRENOUD, we have also invested in a new machine that allows us to manufacture parts with a diameter of 42 mm, the largest, for products intended for leather goods.
Whatever the type of parts to be manufactured, we are able to produce them in small or large series, or even in a few copies if they are prototypes.